
Tuesday 26 July 2016

Book Week

Te Pihinga have started back at school in term 3 with fantastic and positive attitudes. We were glad to see happy faces all arriving on Monday morning. We are all excited about week one because it is Book Week! We are exploring lots of new books and texts in Te Pihinga during our reading programmes. 

On Tuesday we had a visitor called Helen Taylor- a New Zealand author and illustrator, we were lucky and grateful to have Helen visit us in Te Pihinga. We were lucky enough to see illustrations from picture books illustrated and written by Helen, we saw the beginning (fine sketches) and the end results after they had been beautifully painted! After our visit we had a lot of children wanting to become authors and illustrators. 

We even got to ask some questions: 

Corbin: What inspired you to become an author and illustrator? 
Travis: How do you get your drawings so neat? 
Hana: Where do you get your ideas from? 
Chloe: Where do you get your drawing ideas from? 

Below are a few images snapped yesterday. 


  1. What a special visitor to have Te Pihinga. I was very sad that I missed it. I hope that you all learnt something. Maybe some of you want to illustrate books now for a job when you get big. Who thinks that would be pretty great?

  2. You had some interesting questions to ask Helen. What books has she illustrated? I wonder if we have any in our school library.
    From Room 6,
    Park Estate School
