
Tuesday 21 June 2016

Does Water Walk?

At the moment in Te Pihinga our focus for writing is SCIENCE! 
We love Tuesdays, this is the day we get to put our Einstein hats on and experiment. 

Yesterday we asked the question...does water walk? 

Our equipment: paper towels, water and food colouring? 

We watched a video to help us make our hypothesis/prediction- we didn't see the ending as it was a surprise! 

Our ideas: maybe the paper towels might absorb the water, the  paper towel might break, the paper might explode, and maybe the colours will mix together and make a rainbow. 

We also learnt a new word Capillary, our results in our writing describes this action- 

Our class result sentence: " The paper towel absorbs the food colouring and water and then they travel up through the towel to mix both colours to make a new colour". 

Below are some photos of us in groups working together and being open minded explorers during writing yesterday, we cannot wait to share more of our experiments with you. 


  1. Hi I'm Georgia from Templeton school
    I have done this before it s really fun

  2. Hi I'm Georgia from Templeton school
    I have done this before it s really fun
